The Invisible String You Don't See, Until You Do

Whoaaaaaa…life is a curious thing, eh? It’s filled with twists and turns, synchronicities and coincidences, fated moments, and invisible strings. 

I am bad at a lot (and I mean a lot) of things, but for some reason, I’m really good at identifying other people’s invisible strings.

I love invisible strings. They’re like little surprises that remain hidden until all the cosmos come together to unveil the secret the universe has been dying to let you in on. Once an invisible string is revealed to you, the fun is following the strand back through your life and recognizing each pearl as an event or speck of time that led you to the exact place you’re in at that moment. You’ll know you’ve uncovered an invisible string when you realize you can’t believe you didn’t see it all along. It was right there in plain sight the whole time.

So, how do you identify an invisible string? Well, they’re usually recognizable through a behavior pattern. We have a billion of them but I’d say the ones we tend to focus on are the ones that we all crave happiness in fulfilling, which are our personal strings (love, family, etc.) and purpose strings (career, life path, etc.). If you’re not sure what your purpose is or what path you’re supposed to be following in any area of your life, look for the invisible string. It will remind you where you’ve been and clear the path for where you’re supposed to go.

One of my “purpose” invisible strings was just revealed to me and it was so wonderful. There it was, right in front of me for most of my life. I knew it but didn’t really know it until I really knew it. Now that I know it, I can’t un-know it. You know?

Since my late teens, folks have always seemed to randomly seek me out for the purpose of receiving advice, and typically advice on themselves and how they see themselves. They believed I could help them get to know themselves better. I never understood why but I can remember countless conversations with people regarding their deep and thoughtful conundrums. Over time, I could see that the subject matter in the conversations always seems to change but the theme always stays the same: the factors surrounding a major shift, change, or upheaval in someone’s life that are glaringly obvious to me remain cloaked and hidden from them. I can, with complete clarity, see the major points, lessons, nuggets, and spotlights on what they don’t see. What’s better, I typically also see the tools necessary to reach the answers they need to move forward, particularly in the area of self-love, worth, and confidence.

This is why the kind of photography I do has always been successful for me. Because I can tap into my clients. I don’t think I ever consciously understood that I was doing this but I can feel into my clients’ energy and know what they need from me. I know what words to say, I know how to say them, and I know how to help them shift their perspective on themselves just by talking to them. I’m not bullshitting them. I mean every single word that comes out of my mouth. I just don’t always know how I knew what to say at that moment.  

When I follow my own invisible string back to its beginning, it’s like watching a movie reel, showing scenes where I was somehow privy to little slivers of insight, booming epiphanies that struck like lightning, and little whispers in my ear that I was able to pass along to people to guide them along their paths.

I thought I was just randomly good at this. Some people knit amazing scarves. Some folks fix cars like it’s nobody’s business. Others rule countries. I can’t do any of those things (and so much more) but I can somehow do this. 

When I give someone my full attention and I’m tapped into their energy, I somehow become aware of information that they need to hear. No—I’m not psychic, I don’t hear voices from beyond, and I don’t see dead people. I know people like that and those are some incredible gifts (or curses, depending on how you look at it) but those aren’t my gifts. Mine is that I’m somehow able to download advice and guidance. I’d love to claim that it’s me and that I’m just that smart but I’m just not that smart.

Now that I see this invisible string, it’s trippy as fuck. 

People always came to me for advice starting in my late teens —> I worked as an advocate for homeless folks —> transitioned to working with developmentally disabled, homeless mothers and their children —>  transitioned again to working in a group home with juvenile delinquent teen girls —> became a photographer that worked with women and their self-love journeys —> became a Reiki practitioner —> now also working as a Self-Love and Intuitive Life Coach.

There it was, woven through my past (and I didn’t even include everything).

It’s that last bit that I’m finally resting on. Self-Love and Intuitive Life Coaching. My training taught me one thing but it took some time to roll it around and into what fits best for me. So now, I’m able to work with women more formally in what I’ve been doing informally all along. It’s fascinating! Now that I see it, I can work with it and really strengthen my skills. Just like anything else, once you understand it, you can harness the power in it. Damn it feels good.

So, all that to say that if any of the statements below ring true for you, I encourage you to reach out and see if I might be of some assistance.

—What used to work in your life no longer does.

—You feel as if there’s “something more” or different you’re supposed to be doing but you don’t know what.

—You feel as if you’ve outgrown certain relationships.

—You feel restless and/or directionless in your current life.

—You feel as if you’re on the precipice of a major shift or change in your life.

—You’re desperate to meet other, like-minded folks that feel the way you do.

—You’re starting to understand that it’s your entire life that needs to change, rather than needing a few changes in your life.

—You’re finally sick and tired of not knowing who you truly are and loving yourself unconditionally, and you’re ready to begin your own journey into self-love.

If nothing resonated with you above, carry on with your day. No need to waste your time with me. If it did resonate, this is your sign. Reach out. I can help.